Professional Development

What do we do?

Sentio Education has extensive experience in building customised professional development programs. Research indicates that one-off professional development courses have limited impact on the enhancement of educational practice or student learning outcomes. Consequently, Sentio Education concentrates on building highly focussed and embedded professional development  programs. Sentio programs include follow up, ongoing application and collaborative learning. Our approach to professional development is based on the tenets of positive psychology and a strengths-based philosophy.

How do we do it?

Sentio consultants collaborate with educational leaders to align professional learning with existing priorities and strategic goals. We work closely with participants to identify learning needs and prepare relevant and engaging professional learning programs. Sentio consultants are experienced educators, facilitators and curriculum designers. We concentrate on developing professional learning programs that result in a high degree of knowledge and skill transfer to daily practice. We create learning tools and learning experiences that focus on building the adaptive expertise and self-efficacy of teachers, academics and leaders. We design and facilitate programs for individuals, sub-groups or for staff across the organisation at all levels.

Sentio Education provides services for each of the following phases of professional development design and implementation:


Sentio Education Services currently delivers embedded professional development programs in educational organisations focussed on:

  • Leading and facilitating productive professional conversations
  • Leading learning for middle level leaders
  • Implementing Professional Learning Communities
  • Collegial mentoring
  • Evidence based self-reflection for educators
  • Collecting and analysing evidence

Contact us to discuss your requirements at: [email protected]

Sentio : (Latin)
Sensing, Experiencing, Perceiving, Understanding

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